miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Aaranormal Activity

It is called paranormal when there are events which are unusual; the name used refers to phenomena that occur as the psychological, physical and biological. After being studied cannot be explained by the causes and processes of the laws of physics established by science. So parapsychological phenomena point to the operation of factors usually unknown or unrecognized by science, which we usually refer as paranormal factors.
In some paranormal events we found spirits or souls that to show that they are still among the living, make an appearance visible or produce sounds, smells or move objects.
These phenomena are studied by parapsychology. Resulting inexplicable established sciences is necessary to consider a phenomenon as "paranormal", such effects must also have its own characteristics that distinguish them and depart from natural phenomena.

It is called paranormal when there are events which are unusual; the name used refers to phenomena that occur as the psychological, physical and biological. After being studied cannot be explained by the causes and processes of the laws of physics established by science.
So parapsychological phenomena point to the operation of factors usually unknown or unrecognized by science, which we usually refer as paranormal factors.
In some paranormal events we found spirits or souls that to show that they are still among the living, make an appearance visible or produce sounds, smells or move objects.
These phenomena are studied by parapsychology. Resulting inexplicable established sciences is necessary to consider a phenomenon as "paranormal", such effects must also have its own characteristics that distinguish them and depart from natural phenomena.

- The truth is that most of us have no record that these things happen. There is a small group of people who affirm the existence of the paranormal or have the ability to appreciate it.
- Most wonder why some people do astral travel, see ghosts, read the future or have paranormal powers while other humans have no skills. It is also curious that these phenomena happen only in people who believe in them.
-Trust in paranormal powers, beings from another world or hidden energies always existed in human history. Over time many reasons appear to justify these events. The fear of death or thinking we can be alone in the universe are some of the causes for something beyond the real world.
- We need to understand and to explain the real world are other reasons. Early humans could not understand why natural disasters occurred, for example, and interpreted it as a punishment from the gods. When wanting to know is separated from mythological explanations begin to find rational explanations for all these phenomena.
-Many scientists who have investigated the claims of the paranormal for a long time never found evidence to support these paranormal events. Not that science can not explain, is that even their existence is found.

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