miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Aaranormal Activity

It is called paranormal when there are events which are unusual; the name used refers to phenomena that occur as the psychological, physical and biological. After being studied cannot be explained by the causes and processes of the laws of physics established by science. So parapsychological phenomena point to the operation of factors usually unknown or unrecognized by science, which we usually refer as paranormal factors.
In some paranormal events we found spirits or souls that to show that they are still among the living, make an appearance visible or produce sounds, smells or move objects.
These phenomena are studied by parapsychology. Resulting inexplicable established sciences is necessary to consider a phenomenon as "paranormal", such effects must also have its own characteristics that distinguish them and depart from natural phenomena.

It is called paranormal when there are events which are unusual; the name used refers to phenomena that occur as the psychological, physical and biological. After being studied cannot be explained by the causes and processes of the laws of physics established by science.
So parapsychological phenomena point to the operation of factors usually unknown or unrecognized by science, which we usually refer as paranormal factors.
In some paranormal events we found spirits or souls that to show that they are still among the living, make an appearance visible or produce sounds, smells or move objects.
These phenomena are studied by parapsychology. Resulting inexplicable established sciences is necessary to consider a phenomenon as "paranormal", such effects must also have its own characteristics that distinguish them and depart from natural phenomena.

- The truth is that most of us have no record that these things happen. There is a small group of people who affirm the existence of the paranormal or have the ability to appreciate it.
- Most wonder why some people do astral travel, see ghosts, read the future or have paranormal powers while other humans have no skills. It is also curious that these phenomena happen only in people who believe in them.
-Trust in paranormal powers, beings from another world or hidden energies always existed in human history. Over time many reasons appear to justify these events. The fear of death or thinking we can be alone in the universe are some of the causes for something beyond the real world.
- We need to understand and to explain the real world are other reasons. Early humans could not understand why natural disasters occurred, for example, and interpreted it as a punishment from the gods. When wanting to know is separated from mythological explanations begin to find rational explanations for all these phenomena.
-Many scientists who have investigated the claims of the paranormal for a long time never found evidence to support these paranormal events. Not that science can not explain, is that even their existence is found.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

My favorite movie

Origin: American
Name: "Friends with benefits"
Running tiem: 109 minutes
Type of movie: Comedy
Stars: Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis
Director: Will Gluck
Producer: Liz Glotzer, Martin Schafer
Plot: A task Jamie give Dylan interviewing for a job at GQ magazine in New York. Dylan comes to New York and, after the interview, Jamie tells GQ has offered employment. At first, Dylan is not sure to accept and move from Los Angeles to New York, but in an effort to convince, Jamie takes you on a tour of Manhattan trying to persuade.
Review: In my opinion in a realistic film as it shows how we can easily go from being friends of people enamoranos it. The film has received generally positive reviews from the specialists. The website Rotten Tomatoes reports that 72% of critics have given Friends with benefits a positive note, calling with 6.4 points out of 10

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013


A personal computer (PC) is a general-purpose computer, whose size, capabilities, and original sale price makes it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operato. The Programma 101, released in 1965, was the first commercial "desktop computer. Early computers didn't use chips or monitors. They weren't as small nor big like the ones today. Back in the early 1600 to 1800s, people had theories,plans, or ideas of making a device that could do complex problems and mathematics so that they wouldn't keep writing down problems and solve them manually. They wanted a device that could add and subtract.
Almost anything you know is run or made by computers. Cars and jets were designed on computers, traffic signals are run by computers, most medical equipment use computers and space exploration was started with computers. Most of the jobs today require the use of computers. These 'mechanical brains' made a huge impact on our society. It would be hard if we didn't have the computer around.
In my opinion the computer was a great invention for mankind without which medicine would not be as we know them today, can communicate with people who live far away and too close, through it we can get information, pictures, videos etc.. Sincerely computer greatly facilitated us life .
* what is the impact of computer on socielty?.
à is it important for you? why? what for?
What is the importance of computers to the world?--à in that sense I help the world? in that area of medicine helped the computer?
* The computer education helped?
à increased the level of learning in schools? how?

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013


1.The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. This rule is an oldie but a goodie and can get you through just about any situation, online or off!
2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason. Maybe you didn't agree with something they said, but there's a nice way to share a different point of view without name calling or attacking someone. Harassing or insulting someone will not likely help you gain many online friends!
3. Respect Others' Copyrights: There are wonderful things online, information for everyone on just about any topic! However, these things have copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits!
4. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS: It hurts our eyes. It makes people think you are shouting at them. It's okay to type in caps to accentuate a word or two, but please don't do it all the time everywhere you go.
5. Don't Spam: As a blog owner, I get hundreds of spam messages each day. Most of them aren't even legible, with things like "kjhgsawu" typed in the comments and links to sites with adult or inappropriate content. I don't appreciate it! Some spammers are getting really sneaky, as they use the same generic post over and over again like "I really like your blog" - if you own multiple blogs like I do though you can quickly identify these types of spammers! There's a fine line between spam and self-promotion, do it very carefully!
6. Be Honest: Faking website statistics, pretending to be someone else, or trying to cheat people online will not only hurt your reputation but can land you in a lot of hot water. You know the line honesty is the best policy, it's also one of the 10 best rules for netiquette.
7. Use Proper Grammar & Spelling: If u rite liek this lol ppl might start 2 get mad lol. :) We understand spelling isn't always easy and typos and basic spelling mistakes will happen. But if it's distracting from your message, it can be annoying. Using a browser such as Firefox 3 with built in spell check can be a life saver for bad spellers! Be careful not to use too much web jargon, seeing lol used more than twice in a sentence or two is probably unnecessary and does not promote good internet etiquette.
8. Follow the TOS: Most sites have a terms of service policy that also lists rules of netiquette. Read it and abide by it! I am constantly reading discussions on MyLot about people who have had discussions deleted because what they posted did not meet the terms of the website.
9. Keep it PG-13: I never write or say anything I wouldn't let my kids read. It can really come back to haunt you if you write something that's not appropriate - as a blog owner, it could mean trouble withGoogle if you use them for adwords or like to be ranked in search engines since they seem to penalize swearing/adult content sites.
10. Research Your Facts/Cite Sources: I can't tell you how many times I read something (often politically related) that is not even close to the truth. There is so much information out there online, it can be very difficult to distinguish what is true and not true. Before posting something, forwarding emails, or going off on a tangent, make sure it is factual and cite sources if possible to boost your credibility. Not only will this help keep down on the hoaxes and insanity floating around online, but it can help make you build a solid reputation online.
This list of 10 Best Rules of Netiquette will help not only you but others have a much more enjoyable online experience. Have any other tips to add to the 10 best rules of netiquette and good online etiquette? Share it in the comments below.

In which of the areas in which we relate to other persons flaming occurs ?

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

My testimonial on equal Adoption...

Hello my name is Mike , I am 12 years old ,live in California ,United State,and il tell you w hat my life ir like with gay parents.
My adopted father is jhon,42 years old ,born in Washington and moved to California at age 15 with his parent. His hair is brown ,blue eyes , tall and thin.It's a great father ,very  sociable, always attentive to me and especially  sympathetic. We thank very much to life for giving me a great father is Dwayne. He is 36 years old ,born in Kansas and moved to California  at the age of 12 years old.It is  a great person,it's nice ,jokes a lot and has a very big appetite. Also i thank God for giving them to me as parents Jhon and Dwanye Jhon has  it and  that's  waht i love.
In my opinion , equal  adoption is that everyone has the roght to form a family and want to be a heterosexual or homosexual couple because no matter  how the family is formed but children feel love and happiness.

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013


Eating disorders are extreme expressions of a range of weight and food issues experienced by both men and women. They include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive overeating. All are serious emotional problems that can have life-threatening consequences.

Anorexia Nervosa are an intense and irrational fear of body fat and weight gain, an iron determination to become thinner and thinner, and a misperception of body weight and shape to the extent that the person may feel or see "fat" even when emaciation is clear to others. These psychological characteristics contribute to drastic weight loss and defiant refusal to maintain a healthy weight for height and age.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Equal Adoption...

My opinon on the equal adoption we all have the same rights to adopt and apart would be good that we can all take as today there are many children without families and same-sex couples Pedan give that child a family that need it.


in this picture we can see how happy she is the girl with two parents and that both parents are happy and that's what matters and that is reflected in the course of conduct of the girl.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

My opinion on Healthy habits

My opinion about healthy habits is a good thing because it makes us feel better, have a good physical condition, have more vitality and to perform various activities being in poor condition and would allow us not live much longer.

About Me

Hi.My name is Facundo.I'm 17 years old.I live  in Las Piedras. I like wachting t.v and surfing  the net . I favorite singers are Adele and Beyonce, i like  their songs.
I have 4 siblings, the largest is called jose luis and is 31 years old, the one that follows is called Alejandra at 28, the other Andrea with 22 years and more 16 years boy Federico.
I live in Las Piedras six years ago with my mother and her husband.

My plan for the future is received porder working chef and that is what I like and have my own business.
Currently I am in the fifth grade of secondary biological orientation. I make this orientation because I love biology and I aprte serves as plan B if I do not do very well in the plan A which is the kitchen.
Well this is my plan for the future I hope to return to my blog vistiar.